This green area is close to all the cities facilities and attractions and yet well protected from the urban commotion. You will instantly feel a deep sense of privacy while approaching through Pattaya-Naklua Soi 20 road, as this area of Pattaya, where our beach resort is located, used to be the choice vacation location for wealthy families in the old days.
A 5 star beach resort
in Pattaya
Elephant Beach Resort is an all-embracing experience. Guests can totally indulge themselves, hanging by the pool, eating gloriously tasty cuisine and drinking chilled refreshments, relaxing in the spa, shopping for that fabulous beach kaftan, or ordering a picnic basket from the Deli before venturing out to the islands.
“Cape Dara Resort is a 5 star beach resort in Pattaya that dominates a cape overlooking the private “Dara Beach”, located in the north of Pattaya bay.”
“Cape Dara Resort is a 5 star beach resort in Pattaya that dominates a cape overlooking the private “Dara Beach”, located in the north of Pattaya bay.”
This green area is close to all the cities facilities and attractions and yet well protected from the urban commotion. You will instantly feel a deep sense of privacy while approaching through Pattaya-Naklua Soi 20 road, as this area of Pattaya, where our beach resort is located, used to be the choice vacation location for wealthy families in the old days.
“Cape Dara Resort is a 5 star beach resort in Pattaya that dominates a cape overlooking the private “Dara Beach”, located in the north of Pattaya bay.”
This green area is close to all the cities facilities and attractions and yet well protected from the urban commotion. You will instantly feel a deep sense of privacy while approaching through Pattaya-Naklua Soi 20 road, as this area of Pattaya, where our beach resort is located, used to be the choice vacation location for wealthy families in the old days.
“Cape Dara Resort is a 5 star beach resort in Pattaya that dominates a cape overlooking the private “Dara Beach”, located in the north of Pattaya bay.”
This green area is close to all the cities facilities and attractions and yet well protected from the urban commotion. You will instantly feel a deep sense of privacy while approaching through Pattaya-Naklua Soi 20 road, as this area of Pattaya, where our beach resort is located, used to be the choice vacation location for wealthy families in the old days.
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963 Moo 2, Tumbon Aonang, Amphur Muang, Krabi 81180, THAILAND
Tel : +66 75 817777
Email : [email protected]